Please read the following before proceeding!

or... don't. it's completely up to you.

Beyond this point lies certain things that the user behind this website wishes to disclose with you, the reader. They care not and have no power over whether or not you read it, but it would be encouraged to waste a minute or two and simply read along, just as a means to appease the user behind this site.

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If you, the reader, are a mobile/tablet/anything-that-is-not-desktop user, then the individual behind this site wishes to send many apologies, as one is quite incapable of making it so that these sites are viewable and pleasing to the eye of a smaller screen. As such, for the best possible experience, it is encouraged that you view this website and anything else from this user in all its "glory" on a desktop screen.

Once again, the individual behind this site wishes to express sincere apologies.

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The user behind this website is an artist who frequently drabbles in and discusses horror and sometimes gore (especially noticable in the artchive and socials). If such is a concern for you, it is highly encouraged that you do not progress any further, as you may either wind up confused or absolutely disturbed.

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The user behind this website is one that is very spontaneous with their interests. As such, it is expected to not see the user post the same fandom over and over again. If you are reading this because you came from one of the user's socials and wanted to see more about them, then please keep this in mind.

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While DMs on all socials are always open, this is mainly for business purposes, such as commissions and the like (still pending). While the user behind this website does not mind befriending others, it is deemed a breach of privacy if you whom one is fairly unfamiliar with utilize DMs as a means to communicate with the user behind this website.

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Below is a list of characters that you may or may not know. Please select one of them.

This is the character you have selected. In choosing to continue forward to the creator's actual website, you consent to having all mortal possessions taken by this indiviudal for their own personal happiness and/or gain.

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Alongside being very multifandom, the individual behind this website is quite fond of literature, new and old. One such example would be Melville's "Moby Dick," a novel about a vessel named The Pequod and the members upon the fine ship, told through the perspective of an otherwise insignificant man named Ishma-

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Thus concludes this otherwise meaningless wall of text. Feel free to write whatever it is you want in the box below. The individual behind this website will not know of anything within it, as it is merely nothing more than a box to place text in.

Whether you read the above or not, click the button below to advance.